
BRAIN UniTo: ERC Lab@UniTo and MSCA@UniTo



BRAIN UniTo is the first Talent Attraction Programme of the University of Turin, launched to welcome experienced researchers from all over the world. The programme has been designed to cultivate the best research talents in UniTo and attract new ones, based on the idea that excellence is the key factor to enhance Unito’s capability to produce high-impact knowledge and generate economic, social and cultural change.


BRAIN UniTo has been conceived to involve those researchers who are interested in seizing the opportunities offered by the First Pillar of Horizon Europe, Excellent Science, which identifies a necessary development agent of the European Union in the very high level of research.


Two distinct paths have been developed to strengthen the competitiveness of research talents at different stages of their career, proposing training and accompanying measures aimed at participating in two funding lines:

In addition, a transversal training path for research managers and research support staff in UniTo is provided, to ensure a cutting-edge research support ecosystem, capable of spreading awareness of the new paradigms of research and providing useful tools to deal with them.